Anxiety going down with medication / Anxiedad bajando con el medicamento

So I'm more than exited this week. Tarek finally is feeling better, we spend so manny days attach to the toilet and moody waves that now I think we past through the worse. It is night and day his behaviors and mood. The yelling went down maybe 80 %. Defiant behaviors maybe 60%. He is Smiling more often, his speech and vocabulary went up again, and more active :)    I can't believe that the IG complication can be so ralated to  agressive behaviors and grumpy moods. Researchers like  Vosh, vandyke, smith and Poulton (1997) demostrate the relation between constipation and untreated GI issues related to agressive behaviors. Can Miralax be the answer to so many questions?I don't know now but for sure have something to do with his recovery. Tarek suffer from constipation issues all his life , It got better after he turn 4 using probiotics and Miralax never work before for him because the doses prescribed by the old doctor was not the correct one.
 The other good thing happening was CELEXA and his anxiety. I had noticed that some of anxiety is going down in the unfamiliar situations. And also he is less sensory overload. We were able to go to a regular hair salon and had his hair cut without screaming and yelling!!! this was impossible for the past 9 years, we tried different hair salons, different times during the day, rewards etc and nothing, until saturday, everything went smooth and tarek look very handsome.
Very often I get this feeling of what else can come next? is this a light in the end of the tunnel? how long this will last ? I'm not sure, but  I learn to celebrate the day, and push those fears to the side.
breathing again.......uhhhhh
 Esta ha sido una semana muy buena. tarek por fin se esta sintiendo mejor. Despues de pasar muchos dias atados al toilet :) al parecer tarek paso ya lo peor. Es noche y dia los cambios de actitud de tarek. Los gritos bajaron un 80%,  el comportamiento desafiante un 60%, volvio a sonreir, s vocabulario a aumentado mas y esta mas activo :)   No puedo creer la tremenda relacion entre las enfermedades gastrointestinales en ninos con discapacidad y el comportamiento agresivo. Importantes investigadores como  Vosh, vandyke, smith and Poulton (1997) han demostrado la relacion entre el estrenimiento y enfermedades gastrointestinales no tratadas y la agresividad. Puede que algo tan simple como tratamientos periodicos de Miralax sean la respuesta a tantas preguntas ? Tarek ha sufrido de estrenimiento por muchisimos anios. Adherir a la dieta probioticos mejoro el problema pero nunca al punto de resolver su estado animico.
   Ahora hablemos de Celexa, celexa es un anxiolitico/antidepresivo que le prescribieron a Tarek en una dosis muy pequena y como lo ha ayudado por ahora con su anxiedad en cosas que a el le asustan o lo sobre estimulan. El sabado por primera vez en 9 anios pudimos cortarle el pelo en una peluqueria sin gritos y sin pelear :) La verdad es que pequenas cosas como esa hacen que nuestras vidas sean mas normales y calmadas.
 Muy frecuente me ataca a mi la desesperacion de pensar Que vendra despues ? Es esta la luz al final del tunel? Cuanto durara? Y la verdad es que aprendi en este ultimo tiempo a disfrutar y celebrar el dia a dia, que mananas hay muchos.
Respirando feliz hoy..ahhhhhh


  1. Excellent blog very nice and unique information related to Anxiety. Thanks for sharing this information.


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