When it rain ..rains a LOT!

Well they say back home " aveces cuando llueve llueve sobre mojado"meaning sometimes rain over the floor wet! and it is exactly what it is happening with my Tarek. He got a week and a half ago pink eye. and when he was getting finally better I pick him up over my sister house and One of his ears was bleeding!!! well he got a "swimming Ear infection" and the story Got even better...yesterday he GOT AGAIN PINK EYE!!!! The harder part is to get the drops inside his eyes or ears, but he is improving. I wish I was able to stay home or work less hours...Maybe one day .
Pucha aveces cuando llueve llueve sobre mojado. Mi pobre tarek ha estado como que agarrandolas todas...hace una semana y media atras le dio conjuntivitis y cuando las cosas estaban mejorando lo recogi de la casa de la VIVI y tenia una orejita sangrando....lo lleve de emergencia al hospital y le encontraron una infeccion externa del oido.....y esto se pone aun mejor jajajja ayer cuando volvi de la pega le habia dado DE NUEVO CONJUNTIVITIS!!!! Ufff ojala no estuviese trabajando o trabajase menos horas para poder cuidarlo mejor.... ALGUN DIA :(


  1. oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I have never heard of the ear bleeding, hope it's not to painful. Let us know if we can do anything.

  2. Thanks tausha....and yes it bleed :(
    But the good thing is he is acting like nothing happend taking his medicine like a brave little boy and he has 3 all day with MAMA to take care of him.

    see you in the meeting !


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