Hailee...you are Incredible!

In April of 2008 we welcome a new member in Our family, my sweet niece HAILEE. she is SO FUNNY and the most amazing thing is that she help tarek a lot! We called Dinosaur Bird because when she yell and cry she sound like One. I love Hailee for so many reason but the most important one is because She Adore tarek and treat him like he was a Superstar! She sees No difference in his cousin and Of course doesn't make any difference about Down syndrome or not. Tarek copy anything that Hailee's does so having a model had been a great experience for him.We love you Hailee :)

I'm steeling the bacon from tarek....Shhhhhh!

I'm teaching Tarek how to make noises on the wall.

I love my cousin..I even feed him.

A Group Hug!

I like tarek juice, it is better than mine!

I like tarek music...and I like to turn off the radio too!

I love you too hailee!

See you later alligator!


  1. Que lindos mis sobrinitos!!! que bonito que se quieran tanto!!!! Un abrazo y un beso.
    La Tia Pili.

  2. Si pues se quieren mucho..Yo me emociono de verlos juntitos, gracias a Dios ya no pelean tanto, a menos que la hailee lo tenga medio tostado jajaja.La hailee lo copia y ultimamente baila igual que el tarek jajaja, la quiero mucho!
    besitos pilita,ojala las cosas en tu pega sigan bien, muchos besitos y eres muy linda por estar siempre comentando en el blog1 ERES MI HERMANA SOLIDARIA JAJAJA


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