
Showing posts from June, 2012

Finding out why you are gaining weight/ reconociendo porque haz subido de peso

Anxiety going down with medication / Anxiedad bajando con el medicamento

Some results! algunos resultados

hangry,yelling,defiant,sad,tantrums and more / enojado,gritando,desobediente, pataletas y mas !

My beautiful CHILE ,A story for Tomorrow by Gnarly Bay productions (subtítulos en español)

Need Energy and loose some weight"try the enzyme smothies" / te sientes cansado y gordito ? trata los liquados enzimaticos, me resultaron

Mr monkey goes to the bathroom great time for social and language skills/ Mr monkey va al bano

Dreaming with falling mountains/ sonando con montanas derrumbadas

Volver a empezar! Start again