Llama llama red payama

Tarek used to love books but a few years ago he refused to read anymore. I always keep a book library around him because I never lost the hope that he will be back to the way he was a few years ago. Every night I brought a book to bed and tarek will tell me no! but last night was different. I read llama llama red pajama written by Anna Dewdney ( a book for children that talk about anxiety at night time and how Mom is always near) Tarek just adored the book and laugh so hard that made made laugh too, he told me "again again....more...mas" so we read and read it again like 3 or 4 times, then a saw him pretending to reading to himself " llama....no no.....scared.....MOM! Mom!...no no no llama! love you"...............................
Anna Dewdney had a series of llama books that I totally recommended for any child younger that 6 years old, last week we read with my kids in head start" llama llama mad at mama" and they adored the book too.
We had so many ups and downs but lately we had so many Ups that I cant stop to thank God for these amazing things that we had been through. For sure I appreciate life and little details a little bit more.
Please...never give up!


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