Tarek in the school!

Wednesday I volunteer in tarek's classroom. What a beautiful surprise to see my son reading more than 20 words, count airplanes,cut simples lines, write the letters of his name,count until 20.....wauuu tarek how smart you are! I left the classroom feeling very happy and so thankful from the teachers that tarek has (Mrs mason,Mrs dejoun,and whitney).Before I left I follow tarek to the cafeteria and I was very moved when I saw tarek serving himself for lunch, he put in his trade everything he want and he walk to his table and wait for Mrs dejaun. I left the school feeling that my heart almost didn't fit in my chest and miracle happened after all!

Well but yesterday I received a call form tarek teacher in my work. and she was concerned about tarek pinching the check of a little girl. she said that tarek had been very mean with the little girl and had been trying to hurt her all the time. That Thursday he pinched her 5 times and Friday just one. I felted so horrible, so frustrated and most of all so lonely to be dealing with this situation all by myself. Why tarek will try to hurt other children?, why he can be so sweet and then switch and bully others kids? What is going on? will be so great have a magic ball and guess tarek mind and heart and be able to helping more. But I don't have this special powers and for now I can just cope with the idea that very soon (Wednesday 25) we will have some answers and see an specialist. So this is when the faith and the hope have to kick in and I have to find the little Patience that I have left to fill in my heart that feel broke today.

Tarek had been very nervous this 2 days, He had been throwing his toys and my books in the floor,yelling and spinning objects more than others days, I feel very tired today, not sure if is because tarek behaviors or because of my allergies.

Tarek is outside in the balcony laughing because the wind move the leaves in the trees, he looks happy, so I will bake a cake and some cookies and maybe putting a little bit of sugar at my life will turn the afternoon in a sweet afternoon.


  1. Hang in there, Lily slapped another girl in her class when they were playing musical chairs and the girl got there before Lily did. They do things out of frustration, they are learning.

  2. Thanks a lot suzie
    Thanks God tarek is doing much better in the school. he was pinching 4 or 5 times a day, Ufff, but now once or none a day, I hope we keep it at None a day lol!
    Kisses to lily.


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