I think "I"M STRESS OUT" run for your life

Well I took an stress test because I felt lately so overwhelm. Work is more than I can handle right now, the big presure about federal review coming to my work , my Rambunctious afternoon class full of boys ,tarek issues in the school,money never enough, all these plus 1000 more things are starting to get a toll on me. I didn't felt this way in years, I'm always possitive so for that reason I had decided to go to the doctor next week and see if there is anything that Ican do to help my health.

Here is my stress test LOL!

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Test: Your Results Explained

It is worth noting that everyone experiences these sorts of negative feelings, thoughts and emotions to some
degree at various points in their life. However if you are experiencing these feelings frequently and strongly or if you feel that you need help then you should always seek the advice of a medical professional.

Please note that suicidality is not
assessed in this test.
If you feel that you may be at risk or have any
thoughts about harming yourself or others
then please seek immediate help from
a medical professional.
Your Score Your Score Considered Normal Considered Normal
Your Score
Severity Level
Anxiety23Extremely Severe
Stress34Extremely Severe





Your Score





0 - 9

0 - 7

0 - 14


10 - 13

8 - 9

15 - 18


14 - 20

10 - 14

19 - 25


21 - 27

15 - 19

26 - 33

Extremely Severe





Your score: 0 | Your current level: Normal

Your results show that you are currently experiencing a Normal level of
depression. Your results indicate that your depression levels are currently
at a Normal level. It is suggested that you continue to monitor and be
aware of the symptoms of depression and if you begin experiencing
these emotions frequently and strongly you should consider seeking
the advice of a medical professional.


Your score: 23 | Your current level: Extremely Severe

Your results show that you are currently experiencing a Extremely Severe level
 of anxiety.This indicates that you may have been recently experiencing the
 majority of the characteristics displayed by high scorers on the anxiety
scale including feeling:
  • apprehensive, panicky
  • trembly, shaky
  • aware of dryness of the mouth, breathing difficulties, pounding of the heart,
  • sweatiness of the palms
  • worried about performance and possible loss of control
Your results indicate that your anxiety levels are currently at a Extremely Severe level.
It is suggested that your levels of anxiety indicate that you are experiencing these
emotions frequently and strongly and you should seek the advice of a medical
professional immediately. You should also continue to monitor your anxiety
levels and identify ways to reduce this negative emotional state.


Your score: 34 | Your current level: Extremely Severe

Your results show that you are currently experiencing a Extremely Severe level
of stress. This indicates that you may have been recently experiencing of
the characteristics displayed by high scorers on the stress scale including feeling:
  • over-aroused, tense
  • unable to relax
  • touchy, easily upset
  • irritable
  • easily startled
  • nervy, jumpy, fidgety
  • intolerant of interruption or delay
Your results indicate that your stress levels are currently at a Extremely Severe level.
It is suggested that your levels of stress indicate that you are experiencing these
 emotions frequently and strongly and you should seek the advice of a medical
 professional immediately.You should also continue to monitor your stress levels
and identify ways to reduce this negative emotional state.


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