Gavin DeGraw - We belong together

To listen the song, turn off the music player on the right of the screen(pink box).Para escuchar la cancion apaga el player a la derecha.
Well well well. I always talk to my children in the school about "not watching" scary movies because you will have nightmares later, but yesterday the day before Halloween all the movies on TV were scary movies, so I fall asleep watching "underworld" between werewolf's and bad vampires and yes teacher Cecy was saying the Truth because I had a horrible nightmare were bad grey werewolf's wanted to kill me or eat me and I was running between rooms in a old house. So I decided today I will only watch good movies to easy my sleep and I watched "TRISTAN & ISOLDE" . I'm not sure why I love medieval movies so much , if it is because the love in this movies are so pure and intense or because I'm still so romantic and I still believe that love like that can exist or because is easy to imagine a lie than leave the real truth. But for sure I love it, and what better that see part of the movies with the amazing voice of Gavin Degraw "we belong together".
Enjoy :)


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