Terremoto en chile...Chile earthquake!

A massive 8.8 magnitud Earthquake rocked my Country early on Saturday Febraury 27 2010. Killing more that 700 people and 2 million displaced. After the terrible Earthquake followed the Tsunami destroying little fishing towns and beaches.
They woke me up around 3:30 am, I turn on the Chilean TV and I almost past out looking my Country suffer another Earthquake. I started calling my family, that live a few hours from Concepcion, power and phone lines were down. 30 hours took me to hear the voice of my parents and family, 30 long hours were you think the worse but never lost hope. Thank God they are all OK. Very scare but SAFE . I can't stop thinking in my country, in the people, in the children that lost everything,in the older people in the retirment homes ,in my friends that I didn't see for so long, and all the people that you forget to say "I LOVE YOU". GOD BLESS MY COUNTRY. and give them the love and strengh that they need. BE STRONG CHILE!!
Un masivo terromoto 8.8 movio a mi pais en la madrugada del sabdo 27 de enero 2010. Me desperto mi hermana a las 3>30 de la manana. prendi Tv chile internacional y las imagenes eran tan devastadoras que empeze a marcar a casa. La luz y las lineas telefonicas se habian caido y no habia forma de contactarme con ellos. Miles de cosas pasan por tu cabeza cuando tu estas tan lejos y no puedes hacer nada. Despues de 30 horas de llamar y llamar y de comerme todo el refrigerador de los nervios, logre escuchar la voz de mis padres y familia.Se suponia que debia ser la que llevara fuerza con mis palabras pero al escuchar la voz de mi padre no pude hacer mas que llorar y dar gracias a Dios que estaban todos sanos y salvo. Mucha fuerza Mi CHILE QUERIDO, no puedo dejar de pensar en el dolor de mi gente, en los ninos sin casa y juguetes, en los abuelitos que se encuentran sin un techo, en mis amigos que no les he dicho cuanto los quiero y en esas personas que no has visto en Tantos anios y que no has podido abrazar y que pude perderlos. Espero que de alguna parte, mi pueblo saque la garra que tiene para LEVANTARSE de nuevo..Fuerza Chile. desde aqui estaremos haciendo lo posible por ayudarlos. Los quiero
Cecy, I have been thinking about you so much lately! I am SOOOOOOO happy your family members are all okay! I am so glad you have stayed so strong and pray that those suffering can feel hope and strength right now.
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing. ;) I really miss you!
My blog is private now! I need your e-mail address so that I can invite you to it! You can send me an e-mail at perkins_toddkim@hotmail.com, or you can leave a comment to this post with your e-mail address and I will come back and get it! Thanks Cecy!
Gracias Kim
ReplyDeleteI tried to check your blog yesterday and I coudn't, now I understand why. my email is cmora1@hotmail.com.
We have to get together soon, specially now that the weather is getting better. Your baby is so cute and I want to finally meet her.
thanks kim.
I just sent you an invite! I would love to get together. We love this warm weather! I miss you and Tarek! I will be down there so much this spring and summer. We need to catch up!
ReplyDeleteChechita!!!! Gracias a Dios Chile se esta levantando de nuevo!!!! y que nosotros estamos vivos para contarlo!!! Te quermos mucho!!! un besito.