More words...more independence! mas palabras ...mas independencia!

The summer is the best time for tarek to increase his vocabulary, normally are more words realte to food items :) but I had been putting my efforts and all the "WH" words. Those are so hard for tarek to understand, normally after one of my questions he will yell at me back because he doesn't understand the concept :(
The past days we had been working in WHY and what are WHAT ARE YOU DOING. He gets so frustrated and I'm afraid to push do hard that he stop talking to me.
So today I ask him what he wants to eat for breakfast, he changed my menu and said "potatoes and hot dog"
 I said that is lunch menu but why you want to eat that...
 he said potatoes and hot dogs , obviously he did not understand the concept of why ! so I continue with my conversation, and I gave him hints about the answer,
 Why you want to eat potatoes and hot dogs tarek ? because you like it or because you are hungry ?
 he said I'm hungry.
 I said, Tarek is hungry ah.....ok I will make you potatoes and hot dogs because tarek is HUNGRY. So I did it. And he was so excited that mom cooked something special for him, and when he was done, he looked at me and said "I'm Hungry, Oranges please "    :)
so I asked again why you want oranges tarek ? I'm Hungry mom.    :)
I jump of happiness, how a small word like "hungry" can bring so much happiness to our life, well I'm HUNGRY for more words, I'm HUNGRY for more days like this, I'M HUNGRY of this warm feeling in my heart that one day not so far away we will be able to have long conversations seating in a couch with my son .


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