Potty training my maltipoo Bella ! Entrenando a la bella!

I got Bella went she was so little, I was working 40 hours a week, and I did everything that I could to potty training her including watching YouTube videos r,bought fancy potty pads, I got the potty patch for the balcony ,a lot of treats to reward her and I even started coming home in my 30 minutes break to feed her and reinforce the potty training. But sadly Nothing work, my hallways  was Bella bathroom :(
So now I had 3 issues, Bella still no potty trained, my carpet smelling like a old lady with cats, and the fears of all those bad bacteria and parasites in the rug a  hot soup of infection for tarek Yuck !
So the  summer started and after washing the carpet at least 6 times in the last 2 months I decided to take a different approach " take Bella down stairs to go potty". It took 1 TRY ONLY!!!! and it takes 3 seconds !!! How I did not think first that Bella lived in a house with a back yard before and that was the way that she has learned ......grgrgrgr
 The big issue here is I live in a 3 floor with NO backyard, so it is a  great pain go 4 times a day up and down the stairs to take Bella to go potty, so I'm thinking in moving to a first floor, or a small house with backyard, or have grass in the balcony so Bella can go poop there :)
Happy happy for Bella, when they said that maltipoo where very smart and well trained I thought that Bella was the exception lol! but we just have to try a different approach :)
Good girl Bella!
 Me regalaron a bella cuando ella era muy pequenita y yo la mama mas ocupada del mundo trabajando 40 horas a ala semana, hize hasta lo imposible para ensenarla a hacer pipi en sus potty pads, le regalaron hasta una imitacion de pasto para poner en el balcon, y muchas cositas ricas para premiarla cuando hiciera en el lugar correcto. Me lei y mire todos los videos de youtube, y la cosa nunca mejoro, solo empeoro. 
Asi que mi prioridad numero uno al salir de vacaciones era ensenarle a la bella a hacer pipi :), lave la alfombra 6 veces en estos ultimos 2 meses, solo pensar en todo ese pipi y nmero dos en la alfombra me hacia vomitar de espanto. Y ya casi cuando la desesperacion y el enojo se apoderaban de este bellisimo cuerpesito decidi atacar el problema con el arma Numero 2 " intentar bajarla al primer piso que hiciera en el pasto " Y VOILA!!!! santo remedio 3 segundos y listo. Juajuajua como no se me ocurrio antes, la bella vivia antes en una casa con patio y yo no tengo. Asi que aqui me tienen subiendo y bajando las escaleras 3 veces al dia para que la princesa vaya al bano , el amor es grande ah ! Asi que tengo 3 opciones : moverme a un depa en el primer piso, cambiarme a un condo o casa pequena que tenga patio o poner pasto en mi balco so Bella tiene nuevo bano!
Feliz feliz por mi perrita bella!


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