Tarek the 5Teen!

My sweet boy is 5Teen (like he said) and momma still can't believe it. Part of me still call him Bebe and still want to hold him in my arms, but everyday he show me he is a Big boy with an strong personality and funny jokes.
This year his birthday was different than other birthdays, we tried to make it less stressful due my pregnancy but same as fun for him.
We rent an apartment in Bear lake for 3 days and gave him a Kayak that he called it "the yellow Boat "

For the day of his birthday we went to North Shore aquatic center, and vivi and hailee celebrated with Us

And the next day his Dad celebrated his birthday with a BBQ and invited Us, Vivi's family and Lucy's family too.
He is growing so fast...I wish Peter Pan tell me soon the secret How to keep him like my little Boy forever.
Happy Birthday Tao Tao !!!!


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