Tarek birthday 7

It's your birthday! 7 years Tarek, how big you are.
I can't stop looking at you and think how fast you grow up. You are truthly what your name means "SHINE STAR", you bright my life with every hug and smile. Everyday is a new discovery and you make me stronger. I wish you all the happiness in this world, less doctors and appointments,a lot of fun and friends and of course be always around your family.
I love you more than ever...
Your Mama...
Es tu cumpleanos! y ya tienes 7 anios, Que estas grande!
No puedo parar de mirarte y pensar lo rapido que ha pasado el tiempo. Tu eres de verdad lo que significa tu nombre "La estrella mas brillante del cielo", tu alumbras mi vida con cada abrazo y beso. Cada dia es un nuevo descubrimiento y desafio y me haces crecer y hacerme mas fuerte. Te deseo toda la felicidad del mundo, cada dia menos horas al medico y pinchazos, que lo pases super bien con tus amigos y por supuesto que siempre estes rodeado de quienes te quieren.
Te amo mas que nunca.
tu mama


  1. Hey girl!! It was so nice to talk to you today. :) I really have missed you a lot. I hope I see you soon! Happy Birthday, Tarek!

  2. Hi Cecy! I was so happy to talk to you today!! I have missed you so much. I hope we can get together soon. Happy Birthday, Tarek!! Love, Kim

  3. LOL!!!! MY Two KIM FRIENDS ARE SO CUTE!!! and even the posts are similar LOL! wauuuu.
    Love you girls.

  4. Hahaha, I know, I know. I messed up! It was my pregnant brain. :) I missed where it said "comment will be visible after owner approval" or whatever.... OOPS!! Love ya!


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